Love the Weight Off Your Body

Let's face it, we want to lose weight because we want to be desirable. Or, we want to be "desired" by potential partners, male or female. Exactly how you define desirable depends on many things. If you are a famous movie star, you might not consider yourself desirable until you are stick thin. As I was told, camera adds ten pounds. Most of us probably have a slightly different standard. Nonetheless, the motivation behind wanting to be thin is the same, the desire to be loved.
I'm sure you've heard somewhere at one point or another, that in order to be loved, one must love oneself. You've probably also had this thought, "Easy for you to say. You are thin, attractive and rich." The truth is, just because one is attractive, thin and even rich doesn't make it easier to love oneself, even if one is desirable to others. Interesting, isn't it? A person can be desirable to others but not to herself. I'm sure you can guess she's no happier than you and I, who desire to be desirable.
Here is the problem. We live in an affirmative Universe. What that means is that our Universe reflects back exactly what we tell it. It is as if the Universe if a giant mirror. If you stand in front of the mirror and say, "No one loves me." The person is the mirror will say back to you, "No one loves you." If you say, "I'm not desirable." The Universe says, "You're not desirable." There's another rub. The Universe can read your thoughts! So even if you don't say another but instead think that you are undesirable or unlovable, the Universe is still listening. Darn it! But wait, there is a way to fix all this you say. What if I say to the Universe I am desirable even if I don't mean it. Unfortunately that won't work too well. You see there is something call intent. The intent behind what you think or say is what gives your thoughts and words power. How do I get to that intent then? Well, very simply. You have to mean what you think and what you say. That's the challenge we all face.
In order for you think and say, "I am lovable. I am desirable", you must first be lovable and desirable to yourself. You see the Universe does NOT care if you are 10 pounds or even 100 pounds overweight. It only cares what YOU tell it. If at 300 pounds, you tell the Universe, with full intent, meaning you actually mean it with the entirety of your mind, body and spirit, that I AM LOVABLE, then the Universe MUST respond, "You are lovable." This is what would make you truly desirable. In other words, the judgement others have on you are merely a reflection of the judgement you have on yourself. True, some in society will still impose their standard on you, but you'd no longer care.
What about the excess weight I have? How do I love that weight off? Here is what's going to happen when you truly love yourself, you will want to lose the weight because YOU want to, not because you think you might attract a skinny date. Then you would start doing the following:
You will start doing what's right for your body because you love your body, not because you loathe it. You will become healthier and smarter with what you eat, how you eat and your approach to exercise and diet will also change. You will start loving your body so much that you will be able to heal what's behind the excess weight to begin with. This is an important point because whenever there is an imbalance, whether an illness or excess weight, there is something behind the condition that needs to be healed. Until you discover what that is, the condition is likely to persist. If you have tried everything and the excess weight simply wouldn't shed, ask yourself the question, "What is my weight trying to tell me? What is the lesson I need to learn here?" Ask these questions often and wholeheartedly, remember, your intent behind what you think and say manifests the outcome. Pay attention as the Universe will provides the answer. Then take appropriate actions.
Jacqueline's Power of The Spoken Word series of classes is a system of empowerment, of lasting transformation at the very core of one's life.
They teach you how to:
1. Stop what you don't want in your life. 
2. Set precise intentions. 
3. Heal the aspect of you that seems to be sabotaging you.
4. Use precise declarations that mobilize the creative powers of the Universe to manifest your desires into physical reality.
Go to our web site at for details.

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