How to Take Control Of Your Health and Your Weight

Have you ever wondered why despite all the efforts you have put into drugs, nutritional supplements, diet, exercise, your body just seems to have a mind of its own? That despite all your good intentions, the level of health and the body you want continue to elude you? So what is missing?
Of course, less than ideal health, whether in the form of illness, weight gain or loss, lack of energy and vitality could stem from conditions that could be alleviated by traditional medicines. Drugs do have their purposes. It's when you have exhausted all the drugs, natural or man made, and all the other means you could come up with that you need to ask the question, what is my body's condition telling me?
The human body is a marvelous machine. It knows how to manufacture over 300 drugs on its own, including morphine. It also possesses an innate intelligence that knows how to regulate itself and bring itself back to balance. When an outside source, such as a virus or bacterium, invades the body and causes temporary loss of the body's ability to restore itself, we should give it the assistance it needs to bring back that balance. Everyone knows a poor diet would jeopardize your health in the long run. What is the key to optimal health then?
Your body is adaptive. That means it will take whatever onslaught of abuse we can impose on it and try to "survive" somehow. Our body is constantly in reactive mode because of that. The key to taking control of your health, ironically, is to let your body's innate intelligence take back control over itself. Of course, it will need your help. After all, you have final say whether to eat that extra slice of pizza or not! But the most important part of letting your body regain control over itself using its own innate intelligence is to listen to your body. It takes practice but it is quite easy once you get the hang of it. The process is even easier if you align the different aspects of yourself to get behind your intent to regain optimal health.
First, declare your intent for optimal health in writing. Be specific! Use sentences that begin with "I am", "I determine", "I allow". It signals a commitment and permission to your body that you mean business! It is an act of creation and carry great power behind it. Second, declare your intent that you allow your body to control your body, verbally. Review these written declarations everyday. Make them your daily affirmations.
Then, finally, start listening to your body. When you want to go for that piece of sugary pastry next time, repeat the affirmation that you allow your body to control your body. Then ask your body if IT wants to eat that piece of pastry. By the way, I hope you know that sugar is as lethal a drug and just as addictive as nicotine or cocaine. If you do this exercise every time before you eat, or take vitamins, or prescription drugs, soon you will see a pattern emerge. Your body will begin to tell you what it wants, based on your intent for optimal health. There is one exception. That is when you have an addiction. I will cover that subject in a different article. Stay tuned!
Jacqueline's Power of The Spoken Word series of classes is a system of empowerment, of lasting transformation at the very core of one's life. It can have far-reaching impact on all aspects of your being. All our classes take the Law of Attraction to a whole new level. They teach you how to:
1. Stop what you don't want in your life.
2. Set precise intentions.
3. Heal the aspect of you that seems to be sabotaging you.
4. Use precise declarations that mobilize the creative powers of the Universe to manifest your desires into physical reality.

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