Misguided Advice In Health and Weight Loss From Decades Ago Is Still a Confusing Issue Today

As weight is still one of the big issues, the outcome of success depends on what doctor you see or what nutritionist advice you are getting. Are they old enough and being able and think back to the fifties and sixties when all of this started? For decades politically correct "experts" are telling us if we want to lose weight and become healthy we should follow a low-fat diet. They told us then, and many still do today, to avoid saturated fat found in eggs, meat, dairy, etc. And they tell us to switch to foods such as artificial margarine, low-fat dairy and unsaturated cooking oils of which are all toxic.
Most of us know and understand better now. This misguided advice doesn't help you lose more weight, and it doesn't give you any better health, just the opposite. In fact, many studies, including one of the latest ones published in the Annals of Medicine finally proves, fat is not the guilty party or enemy it's been made out over all this time.
For a study, participants followed either a low-fat diet or a low carbohydrate diet for about 12 months. The men and women who limited carbohydrates, but didn't worry about limiting fat came out ahead. On average they lost 4 kg or over eight pounds, more than the low-fat group. They also improved their muscle mass, as in contrast the low-fat group lost muscle mass. As it turned out, the low-fat group lost more muscle than fat! Plus, the low-carbohydrate group's inflammation markers and triglycerides, which are fat in the blood, came down. HDL cholesterol, which is the good one, rose sharply compared to the low-fat group. Although blood pressure and cholesterol staid about the same in both groups.
Obesity was not the issue than!
Most of the food eaten in the seventies and before was natural. This type of food which includes natural fat is nutritious and healthy. Such fats are found in eggs, fish, nuts, flax seeds, olive oil and certain meats, which are essential for good health. These foods are high in healthy fatty acids and important for our health in general. Our body needs moderate amounts of saturated fats found in animal products, such as butter, cheese, milk, pork, lean cuts of beef and poultry. They also been telling us it clogs the arteries; it does exactly the opposite, and is actually beneficial. Therefore, that information about theses foods to bring on heart disease, clogging the arteries and high cholesterol is a myth.
Obesity is a concern because it is the trigger point for many health conditions. The real culprits, when it comes to weight gain that can lead to diabetes and heart disease, are sugar and processed carbohydrates. This is where the real danger lays.
Low-fat diet is not the answer!
Unfortunately, many people still believe all fats are bad fats because of the wrong recommendations about low-fat diets. Where the problem lays are the hidden trans-fats, such as many baked goods, pastries, party pies, fried and all processed foods which contain artificial fats. These are the fats that cause inflammation in the body, cause diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and strong evidence links them to cancer. By contrast, natural fats such as omega 3 fatty acids found in fish, olive oil, coco nut oil, and similar foods will help reduce inflammation and promote weight loss. About weight loss: The fact is, cutting out junk food, sugary drinks, including fruit juices purchased of the shelf, and soft drinks from your diet is a vital first step towards weight loss. Regarding omega 3 fatty acids: Now, this is important and most people don't realise or know about it. These fatty acids of omega 3 are only available from the food you eat, because the body cannot produce it by itself.
Foods you should consider!
Many things are always better in moderation but at the same time as much variety as possible is best. Animal products as already mentioned above like wild caught fish: They are high in polyunsaturated fats such as omega 3 fatty acids. If addressing a certain health issue such as arthritis or heart disease, this is an excellent way of improving such. It would also be recommended to take some good quality fish oil; although krill oil is a more powerful supplement than any other. Consume any type of food that is high in omega 3. Nuts are also known for their natural fatty acids, such as tree nuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia, walnuts, pistachios etc. Most nuts will give you just about the same benefits, so strive to eat any type of these nuts, say about a handful every day between meals.
Oils are just as important. Natural oils such as olive oil are one of the best oils you can use. Coconut oil and macadamia oil is the best for cooking and frying because they have a tremendously high smoke point. Some oils are better to stay away from, such as vegetable oils, soybean, canola, etc. Most contain chemicals, solvents, herbicides, trans-fat and other contaminants. Although, some of these oils have omega 3 content but unfortunately in this case, the bad things outweigh the good ones.
Enjoy all these delicious healthy foods in moderation. Ignore the experts with their outdated, politically correct ideology.
My name is Josef Bichler I have a passion for wellness and showing others how to live healthy lives. I have corrected my own health problems with the use of alternatives only. I have helped countless others achieve their health objectives and detoxify their body for better weight solutions and also through understanding the benefits of a healthy diet. Also to learn the difference between the right and wrong food which is crucial to your health? For more ongoing health information subscribe to my free weekly newsletters, this also gives you the opportunity for comments, suggestions and questions you may have, as well download my free e-book report to help making better food choices: http://ift.tt/1HaoD2p
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