Juicy Details of a Juice Diet

'Treat your body like a temple', and everyone seems to be health conscious giving a rise to numerous diets from the warrior, Atkins, paleo, juice diet etc. The juice diet is no newbie when it comes to the bandwagon of famous diets. Juicing is not even a new concept; it is ancient and dates back to 1700 BC. There may be several reasons you may want to consider as to why you want to start on the juice diet. Do you want the juice diet for a quick reboot? For weight loss? Or just as a detox for a short span of time to increase your vegetable and fruit intake?

You need to find out what is right for you. We did the research and explored the many facets of 'the juice diet':

The Pros
• The primary benefit of this diet is that it will help boost your immune system, making you stronger. For example: you must have noticed that most juice recipes include chunks of ginger or garlic which have many medicinal properties. But it is very unlikely that people on an everyday basis would ever eat a chunk of ginger or even a few pods of garlic, on a juice diet these are the most essential ingredient and so you can reap the maximum benefits from them. Since fruits and vegetable are loaded with almost all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it is also believed that juicing may help combat cancer. Although with more and more studies this keeps changing and it is still a matter of debate.

• You cannot miss the weight loss with the juice diet. Without a doubt you will definitely shed a few pounds depending on your juicing agenda. But the longer you follow the juice diet by replacing your meals, the more you lose weight without having to worry about any nutrient deficit.

• The juice diet will also aid in releasing harmful toxins from your body. It cleanses the colon and removes any kind of waste building up without any means to escape the body. This diet continuously provides your body with all the nutrition without you having to worry about missing on anything. If you replace your meals with healthy juices even for a day or two, it resets your palate and banishes any craving or addiction for processed and junk food.

The Cons
• It affects your mood and you are more prone to having mood swings. You need to understand that your body goes into a shock with the change in your diet. It goes through many withdrawal and confusion during the initial phase. But our bodies are designed in such a way that it can adapt to anything new in a few days of time and this phase of feeling miserable too shall pass.

• This is an extremely low calorie diet and it causes a rise in the body's insulin level and eventually it crashes down. This sudden change can have adverse effects on your skin causing breakouts and damaging the structures of your collagen and elastin if followed for a long period of time.

• You are hungry most of the time since it is nothing but liquid. It is practically difficult to find a true replacement to curb your hunger while you are on this diet. This is when your mental endurance is put to test, if you make it through the first few days, congratulations! As the days progress, it will start making you more satisfied and full as your body will get used to it.

The juice diet can add numerous health benefits, but as a general rule it solely depends on the time period and the purpose of adapting a juice diet. Too much of everything is dangerous and if this diet is also exercised to the extremes, you will alter the health benefits that it has to offer.

This is just a general information and before you start any diet, it would be best to speak to a diet and nutrition expert.

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By: Aditya K. Kapoor

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