The 5 Best Workday Snacks to Keep Your Diet on Track

Next time you hit that midafternoon slump (maybe you're feeling it right now?), save the cash left on your Starbucks card and opt for a different energy boost. “Snacks with a mix of protein and complex carbohydrates are the best for giving you that slow-burning energy you need to get through the rest of the day until dinner,” says Jessica Cording, M.S., R.D., C.D.N., a New York City-based dietitian. Read on for Cording’s top snack picks (including chocolate—hooray!).
Low-fat Greek yogurt 
It’s packed with satisfying protein and bone-building calcium, and the probiotic bacteria regulates digestion to help you feel your best, says Cording. She recommends picking plain—since added sweeteners may only make you feel more tired later—and topping it with cinnamon to stabilize your blood sugar, plus berries or flaxseed for extra fiber. “It’s also good to go for low-fat rather than fat-free, because it helps your body absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A and D in the yogurt,” she says.

Dark chocolate 
Yep, this treat can actually be healthier than a caramel latte, and it's been proved to improve your alertness just as instantly, says a new study from Northern Arizona University.

One of the health benefits we already know about (dark) chocolate is that it helps lower blood pressure over time (when eaten in moderation). The new findings, however, showed that the slightly sweet treat gives your blood pressure a little bump immediately—letting you feel a bit more energetic without a ton of sugar. It also improves your ability to focus. The key is in the cacao—go for a bar with at least 60 percent (and have just a square or two to keep from throwing your diet off the rails).
This is why we love popcorn: A 3-cup serving will set you back only 100 calories, while packing in 4 grams of filling fiber and about 3 grams of protein. Even better: It boasts a higher concentration of fiber and antioxidant polyphenols than fruits and vegetables, according to research from the American Chemical Society. Skip less-healthy microwave varieties and whip up your own with this tip from Cording: Add 3 tablespoons popcorn kernels and whatever spices you like to a brown paper bag. Microwave, checking after each minute to avoid burning. And no, the buttery, salty movie variety is not included in this.

Hard-boil two eggs and you’ll get a snack with 12 grams of protein for only 150 calories. Their fat will help you stay satisfied and focused, according to a study published in Nutrition Today. Trying to slash some saturated fat or cholesterol? Cording suggests simply scooping out one of the yolks.

Veggies and hummus 
Cording recommends this snack for its satisfying crunch, filling fiber, and a little fat—just make sure to stick to 1/4 cup of hummus to keep the calories in check. Opt for veggies with a high water content, like cucumber and celery, and you’ll feel full and keep hydrated too.

By: Laurel Leicht

from Mix ID 8135872
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