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After decades in the dog house, potatoes are back on the menu for dieters.
“This is good news,” says Stephanie Middleberg, a registered dietician. “Especially for those who have unfairly avoided potatoes.”
And good news for other maligned starches like corn and rice, which have also received a bad rap in recent years.
“When you typically hear the word, starch, you probably think carbohydrates, sugar, weight gain-bad, avoid. So this is really exciting. For the first time we’re hearing starch in a positive light.”
Starchy foods like plantains, bananas, yams, barley and beans are typically frowned upon when it comes to losing weight. But now increasingly, research shows they may actually help aid weight loss because they contain a unique kind of fiber called ‘resistant starch.”
“Resistant starch is a form of carbohydrate that goes undigested in the stomach,” says Middleberg.
Which means the body is absorbing less of the food’s calories, says Middleberg.
Resistant starch also aids in digestion by boosting metabolism, reducing hunger, and improving blood sugar control, according to dozens of recent studies that have helped create quite a buzz about this latest nutrition trend on the internet.
A growing number of food manufacturers are making breads, bagels even pastas with resistant starch flour, which is made from corn and potatoes. But just like anything else, experts warn moderation is key.
“The way I would map out the day is a banana in the morning and had a half cup of beans for lunch and a baked potato for dinner,” says Middleberg.
By: Debby Knox
from Mix ID 8135872