Only life-long, gluten-free diet can treat celiac disease

Celiac disease is a genetic disease, where gluten in the diet causes the immune system to attack the cells in your own body.
Gluten is a storage protein found in wheat, barley and rye. The only treatment for celiac disease is a lifelong, gluten-free diet. The damage caused by celiac disease is reversible, and you will often feel better within a few weeks of following a gluten-free diet.
When a person with celiac disease eats gluten, it triggers an immune response to attack the lining of the small intestine. The process also may damage other areas of the body. Damage to the small intestine interferes with absorption of nutrients and increases the risk for diseases like bone disease, anemia and intestinal cancer.
When shopping for gluten-free foods you will need to read the ingredient list. One brand of pinto beans will use wheat as a thickener and another brand will not. Some packaged wild rice mixes are gluten-free and some are not. Salad dressings can be another source of gluten.
Naturally gluten-free foods include fresh, frozen or canned fruits; fresh beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish and seafood; fresh eggs; fresh unflavored milk, butter, margarine; fresh or low-sodium canned vegetables; potatoes; and plain corn.
Fortunately, there are more and more gluten-free foods and food products on the market. It takes time to learn what you can and can’t eat with celiac disease, but it is well worth your time and effort. Feeling well and knowing you are taking charge of your health is the big pay-off.
For more information contact Patrice Dunagin, Smith County FCS agent for Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, at 903-590-2980.
By: Patrice Dunagin

from Mix ID 8135872
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