The "What Works"

The importance of planning can never be stressed enough and this is especially true of our post-operative bariatric patient population.  Bariatric patients require on average, 60-100 grams of protein daily.  Patients also require anywhere from 48 to 64 ounces or more of fluid each day.  Integrating these requirements into our daily schedule has proven to be difficult for some patients; and often, we find both our pre and post surgical patients discussing "what works" strategies during our Healthy U Community Support Network held the first Thursday of each month in Sayre, PA or the fourth Wednesday of the month in Corning, NY.

What works is planning ahead.  Designating a time or day of the week to plan out meals.
What works is creating individual sized ready-to-go snack packs.
What works is having multiple water bottles in designated areas, so you are never without (home, car, office etc.).
What works is using our everyday technology to our advantage (designated ring tones that remind us when to enjoy a meal or snack, sip fluids, or simply take a few deep breaths to reflect on the day).
What works is journaling if you find yourself at a plateau or getting off track.
What works is a strong support system (family, friends, online or Healthy U community).

Patients are strongly encouraged early in their pre-surgical process to think beyond surgery.   Remember, you are replacing old habits.  Incorporating new lifestyle changes and healthier food choices requires time, practice (trial and error), and planning.  Learn as you trial and try not be too hard on yourself.  Be sure to celebrate the smaller milestones along the way as these accomplishments inevitably lead you to greater achievements..

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