Knowing Your Metabolic Type To Lose Weight Naturally

It's very important to understand what you should and shouldn't eat to lose weight, as the same diet plan doesn't work for everyone. A large reason for this is that we each have a metabolic type that dictates the type of foods that help our bodies run most efficiently.

In addition to natural weight loss, eating foods that fit with you will help you with energy, overall health, appearance and mood. When we don't eat the foods that are right for us, then it causes an environment where our bodies don't function properly, which means a challenging time when trying to lose weight.

Protein Types tend to crave sugary foods after eating a meal that includes a lot of carbohydrates, in addition to craving fatty foods like chocolate cake and pizza. When this happens, it typically means that a Protein type individual isn't eating a balance diet that includes a lot of protein, because a Protein type needs a diet low in carbohydrates and high in proteins and healthy fats.

But balance is key, so cutting out all carbs is a no-no. However, selecting carbs wisely is very important. Whole grain carbs and healthy, low-starch vegetables and fruits are best for weight loss. 

This metabolic type needs to eat protein with every meal for optimal health, and should eat frequent meals or healthy snacks between meals to ensure blood levels don't drop, as this results in hunger pangs and eating binges that challenge weight loss and health.

Carbohydrate metabolic types often eat infrequently, and can go for long periods without eating. They also have a high-tolerance for starchy, sugary foods, which isn't necessarily good because this type of eating can lead to health problems such as diabetes and insulin resistance, as well as making it hard to lose weight.

Carbohydrate types should eat diets high in healthy carbs and low in fat for optimal health and weight loss. Low-fat proteins, like fish, are good options, as protein is still needed within the diet, but again, low-fat proteins are most beneficial. This type should also be cautious when consuming dairy products, as the body doesn't always process them efficiently, and when eating carbs, low starch carbs are best for weight loss and healthy living.

The Combination metabolic type has the most food options available, but do need to be careful to balance their protein and carbohydrate intake. In other words, this metabolic type should be familiar with both the Protein and Carbohydrate types and find a balance between the two within their meal plan for optimal health and natural weight loss.

As you can see, by being aware and understanding metabolic types, especially yours, it puts you in a good position to attack nutrition and your diet in the most healthy and beneficial way for you so you can truly achieve optimal health and towards natural weight loss!

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