Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off And Get Moving

By Evan Sanders

I don't think anyone could really say that life is a piece of cake.

When things are looking pretty rough in life, it can be really hard to see the light. Fear, doubt, depression, resentment all creep in and you might find yourself wondering which way is up? Frequently we are so scared to even feel these negative emotions that we try to avoid them altogether, only finding that they come back time upon time. What's the way out? Is there a way out?

Make sure you go through them and feel them.

We must go through these things.

For many, you are going to have to grip onto your faith in order to make this happen.

Magic happens when when you decide to step into your fears. There's something amazing that happens to you when you face everything that has scared you in the past instead of running from it. You grow, you become something more than your past self, and you get this burst of confidence to take on other challenges.

Does it hurt at times to face your fears? Of course. But when you start to tap into those dark places that scared you so much at one point in your life and you bring light into it, you realize that there isn't much to be scared of anyone. Your mind can create a prison for you, but it doesn't have to be that way. There's another way and that way is diving head first into the black.

Hard times will test your faith, but isn't that the point of having faith when it comes down to it? We all need to have something that we can go to no matter any challenge that comes our way. So run to your faith when times get dark...you will always have a light.

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