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1. "Come on, let's go to Taco Bell."
Enablers are the worst. Yes, I am a champion for eating all things in moderation — particularly wine and chocolate. But if your friend is trying to lose weight and you bake her favorite cookies or drive her through her favorite fast-food joint, then you're not being a friend — you're being kind of a jerk. If you're hell-bent on diving into a pint of Chunky Monkey, do that on your own time and make plans with your friend for later (And call me instead...). But if you want to go to dinner, suggest a place where you know there are healthy options available — and where the cheesecake isn't in, say, the name of the food chain. Even better? Let her pick the place.
2. "But you're so skinny! You don't need to lose weight."
Think this one is harmless? Think again. You may fancy yourself the epitome of BFFs by telling her she looks great, but that's not quite the case. First, ditch the words "fat" and "skinny" altogether. They tend to attach a social stigma or attribute value to the way we look, which doesn't necessarily correlate to our health. And since neither adjective has a universally positive connotation, don't use them. Period.
Second, unless it would be physically harmful for this person to lose weight, shut your piehole. As someone's friend, your job is to be a support system, not the authority on whether they should or need to lose weight. Trust that your friend is making a healthy choice for her. So just say, "You're gorgeous and it wouldn't matter what you weigh, but I'm happy you're doing something that's good for you!"
3. "You're eating that? I thought you were trying to lose weight."
Allow me to get on my own personal soap box: Just because you once lost weight on a cleanse, read an article, dropped 30 pounds by cutting out everything except for cayenne pepper and lemons, asked your personal trainer, or heard something on a TV show, you are not a nutrition expert. And, ironically, if you are a registered dietitian, I'm confident you'd never say that.
Have a little faith that she knows what's right for her — and that she's on a safe and healthy eating plan. If she calls you to vent or cry about "falling off the wagon," remember to be her supporter. She may feel like a failure, but she's already made huge progress by starting the plan. Your job is to help her stick to it!
4. "Let's go for drinks."
You know how pseudo-attractive boys are Ryan Reynolds after you've had a few cocktails? The same applies to cheese-fries, pizza, hot dogs, chips, candy, and sour cream and onion dip. Fact: Alcohol makes you hungry.
And skipping meals and having a drink instead isn't likely to balance out. (It also never works. Remember college?) You're really just setting her back by hundreds of calories — a standard 5-ounce glass of wine or 1 ounce of liquor with club soda ranges from around 80 to 120 calories per serving. That adds up quickly. You're better off just grabbing dinner and having one cocktail or glass of wine.
5. "Have you tried Paleo/fasting/this new juice cleanse/that celebrity's new diet?"
Hopefully, your friend's answer is "no" — and then she follows it up with a dirty look. (OK, maybe that's just me!) Fads come and go for a reason. They may work initially, but they're nearly impossible to stick to and may very well be unhealthy.
Recommending these fads to your health-conscious friend does damage in two ways. First, healthy eating and diet fads are not the same. Second, if your friend is on the right plan, she's in it for the long haul — to look, feel, and think better. So don't throw her off or confuse her by suggesting something that will be yesterday's news before you can say "caveman cookies." Just give her a hug and tell her you're with her every step of the way.
By: Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN
from Mix ID 8135872